How to Canoe Paddle
Navigating Through Formulas and Personal Preferences
How to choose the right canoe paddle
Finding the perfect canoe paddle size can be tricky, with various 'formulas' out there. But remember, no single method guarantees the best fit for you. Traditional sizing methods often overlook crucial details like blade lengths, which can significantly affect your paddling experience.
Think of it like adjusting gears on a bike – everyone has their preference. So, while these formulas offer helpful guidelines, it's essential to consider your personal comfort and paddling style. Take each suggestion with a grain of salt and focus on what feels right for you.
Three Methods for Canoe Paddle Sizing and Adjustment

Method 1The Traditional Canoeing Method
Standing straight, rest the blade of the paddle beside your feet. Does the hand grip fit under your armpit? Yep, that’s your size!

Method 2Seated Canoeing Technique
While sitting on your canoe seat, invert the paddle and place the hand grip on the seat between your legs. The spot where the shaft meets the blade should be at your chin.

Method 3Overhead Measurement
Hold the paddle as usual, with one hand on the shaft and one on the hand grip. Keeping your hands in that position, raise the paddle directly above your head, and look in a window or a mirror to see if both elbows are at a right angle. Choose a paddle of the proper length to allow this spacing of your hands.
Optimizing Your Canoe Paddling Experience: Choosing Between Bent and Straight-Shaft Paddles
Deciding between a bent or straight shaft can significantly impact your paddling efficiency. Bent shaft paddles, often shorter, provide a smoother stroke. Additionally, consider the material of the paddle, prioritizing weight for long-distance paddling to avoid arm fatigue from swing weight.
Ultimately, selecting the right paddle size is a personal decision. While you may be uncertain about your preferences, we're equipped to ask the necessary questions to guide you in the right direction. Your ideal paddle will enhance your paddling experience, and we're committed to helping you discover it!

Straight or Bent? Move the slider to see the difference!